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Who we are

Wherry Yacht Charter is a registered charity, established in 2002.


We are run by a Trustee Board and supported by a team of enthusiastic volunteers, who all believe that the surviving Norfolk Wherries are an important part of local history and should be preserved for future generations.



who we are

What we do

We are unique in operating a fleet of wherries. Ardea, Hathor, Norada, Olive, and White Moth are five of just eight wherries remaining on the Broads.


Built between 1905 and 1927, these beautiful, historic boats really should be museum pieces, but with extensive restoration and loving care by our expert craftsmen and enthusiastic volunteers, we intend to keep them sailing for as long as possible.


Our purpose is to provide investment to protect this heritage and ensure that their significance is not forgotten.

what we do
Meet the team

Meet the team

These are just some of the faces of the Wherry Yacht Charter team.


Andrew Scull


Andrew is a retired public company director whose international career included work in the chemical, oil, construction, paper manufacturing and promotional products industries.


He is a keen supporter of our five wherries and, in conjunction with the other Trustee Directors, is responsible for overseeing the direction and management of the charity and ensuring that our wherries and the skills required to maintain and sail them are preserved for future generations.



Dawn Atter

Trustee Director

Dawn is one of our longest serving volunteers and one of our senior skippers, with extensive knowledge and experience of sailing wherries. She previously worked for the Broads Authority, principally in the planning and conservation sections, as well as supporting the HR team in the Norfolk Constabulary. 


Whilst with The Broads Authority, Dawn became involved with Wherry Yacht Charter, first as crew and viewing guide and later as a skipper and trainer, as well as assisting with planning and logistics for the 3-week summer tours then undertaken by WYC. She continues to be involved with planning each season’s sailing itinerary and allocating skippers.


Peter Bower

Wherry Consultant

Without Peter and his lifelong commitment to the wherries, it is unlikely that Wherry Yacht Charter would exist.


His experience, knowledge and wisdom regarding all aspects of our wherries, be it their history, construction, sailing and maintenance is unsurpassed.


The charity is privileged to have his involvement and Peter continues to take a keen interest in the development of WYC, particularly the close connection with Hathor’s Summer Seasons at How Hill.

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Judith Keogh

              Trustee Director                                    

Following a career in Human Resources in industry and in the education sector, Judith became Vice Chair of the Hertfordshire and Essex Multi-Academy Trustee Board, until 2021, when she resigned to take a more active role with Wherry Yacht Charter, particularly in the area of recruiting Volunteers and overseeing Events.


Judith has extensive fundraising experience, latterly with the Isabel Hospice and Mundesley Inshore Lifeboat. Judith’s contribution to the latter was recognised in 2022 by her receiving the Chairman’s Annual Award.


Bill Housden

Trustee Director, Treasurer and Company Secretary

Bill has a background in accountancy and is responsible for the financial management of the charity and provides financial information for decision making. He also works closely with our external financial advisors to ensure compliance with reporting obligations to Companies House and The Charity Commission.


Bill has been involved with our wherries for more than thirty years, is one of our senior skippers and works closely with our volunteers to establish and undertake our Charters and Scheduled Sailings.

Our Volunteers

The Trustee Directors are ably supported by a group of willing and committed volunteers who are involved with all aspects of WYC’s work.


This includes taking bookings, housekeeping, sailings, viewings, maintenance, administration...

join us

Come and join us

Why not learn to sail a Wherry or help behind the scenes?  We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers, skippers and crew.  

You get to meet lots of wonderful people and you will fall in love with these wonderful boats the minute you step on board! 

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